so that you may
Is it possible for us as Christians to live our lives
completely free from sin? I know that we have all
sinned at one time or another in our lifetime. The
Bible makes it perfectly clear that ALL have fallen
short of the glory of God, but what I want to assure
every believer is that:
"It IS possible, after we have accepted Jesus as our personal
Savior, to live our lives totally and completely free from any
and all sin!"
Everyone may have his or her own opinion on this
subject. However, I am not interested in opinions. I
am only interested in what the Bible has to say .
Jesus said in Mark 9:23,
"If you can believe, ALL things ARE possible to him that
First let’s qualify what is meant by the phrase “all
things”. I think that it would be safe to assume that
most Christians would agree that anything that is
God’s "WILL" could be placed in the category of “all
Therefore, if it is God’s WILL for us to stop sinning,
then it would seem logical to put the phrase “living
your life free from sin” in place of the phrase “all
things”. After making the substitution, this is how
the scripture now reads, “If you can believe, then
living your life free from sin IS possible to him that
BELIEVES." For some Christians this one scripture
would be enough biblical evidence to start living a
sin free life, and that would be great.
However, using only scripture does not give us an
adequate foundation for sound Biblical doctrine. The
word of God also says in 2nd Corinthians 13:1 that
out of the mouth of two or three witnesses let
everything be established. In other words, you
cannot make a valid statement of faith based only
upon one scripture. You need two, or more scriptures
to support your point of view, and establish a sound
biblical doctrine. Also there must be no direct
contradiction with the rest of the Bible.
So secondly let’s look at Philippians 4:13 which says,
I can do ALL things THROUGH Christ which strengthens me.
The same procedure may also be applied to this
scripture that we just did in Mark 9:23, because most
assuredly it is the WILL of Almighty God for us to stop
sinning. Here is what we have when we put the
phrase “live my life free from sin” in place of the
phrase “all things”,
I can live my life free from sin THROUGH Christ which
strengthens me
The word “Christ” here simply means anointed. So
when we see Jesus Christ, or Christ Jesus written in
the Bible it would be helpful for us to translate the
word “Christ” in our minds as “anointed”, or “the
anointed one”. Hence, Jesus Christ would be, Jesus
the anointed , and Christ Jesus would be, the anointed
one Jesus. It now becomes apparently clear to us that
it is the ANOINTING of God that strengthens us and
enables us to live our lives free from sin, just as the
ANOINTING of Almighty God strengthened and
empower his Son Jesus to live without sin and do the
mighty works of healing the he did. I will explain this
a little further on in the study.
Keep this in mind as we now read from the third
witness found in Mark 10:26,27, which says,
Who then can be saved? And Jesus looking upon them says,
With men it is impossible, BUT NOT WITH God: for WITH
God ALL things ARE possible.
The word “saved” here is SOZO in the Greek, and
means to save, to deliver, to protect, to heal, to
preserve, to be made whole, and to be placed back
into right relationship with Almighty God. So let’s use
the definition delivered in place of saved and read
Mark 10:26 a second time. “Who then can be
delivered from a life of sin?” Jesus answers in verse
27 and I again paraphrase,
With natural human strength it is impossible, but NOT WITH
God’s ANOINTING: for WITH God’s anointing of the Holy
Spirit, then living your life totally free from sin IS possible.
Now that we have looked at three witnesses, that is
to say, three different scriptures, that clearly show
that it IS POSSIBLE to live our lives totally free from
any and all sin, all that is left to do is to determine
whether or not it is God’s WILL for us NOT to sin or to
stop sinning.
Let’s begin with 1st John 3:8 that reads,
He that commits sin is of the devil; for the devil sins from the
beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested
that he might DESTROY the works of the devil
It is crystal clear from this scripture as well as many
other scriptures that sin is one of the works of the
devil. And it was for this VERY purpose that Jesus
came into the world as the Son of man to destroy sin.
The word “destroy” here means to ruin completely so
that restoration is impossible. In other words Jesus
came to totally eradicate sin from our lives, even to
the point that it would be impossible for sin to creep
back into our lives. The word destroy also means to
do away with, get rid of, to put an END to, render
useless, to defeat completely. In other words, Jesus
came to do away with, get rid of, and put an end to
sin in our lives so that the restoration thereof would
be impossible.
Let me say this yet another way, Jesus came to put
an END to sin in our lives, to set us completely free
from sin. The Bible clearly tells us in Romans 6:14
that sin SHALL NOT have dominion over us . Satan is
no longer our god. The blood of the Lamb, Jesus
Christ our Lord, has DESTROYED every last bit of rule
or dominating influence that he once had over us.
Satan may still be the god of this world, but praise be
to God, Satan no longer has dominion over us as
believers, because the GREATER one lives within us,
speaking of the Holy Spirit of Almighty God.
Here is what 1 John 4:4 has to say about the
GREATER one living IN us as believers.
Greater is he (speaking of the Holy Spirit of Almighty God) that
is IN me than he (referring to Satan as the god of this world)
that is in the world”.
Now go to 1st John 5:1 that tells us,
Whosoever believes that Jesus is the CHRIST (or more
specifically whosoever BELIEVES that Jesus is the ANOINTED
one of Almighty God) is born of God.”
For a deeper understanding of the vital importance of
seeing and BELIEVING that Jesus was ANOINTED with
the Holy Spirit of Almighty God and this is HOW Jesus
did the works that he did INCLUDING living his life
WITHOUT SIN, then please read the study called
"JESUS THE CHRIST" , which remember CHRIST
means the ANOINTED ONE of Almighty God. But for
now I would like you to skip down to verse 4 and 5
where we see that whosoever is BORN of God WILL
“For whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world: and
THIS is the victory that overcomes the world, even OUR
FAITH. Who is he that overcomes the world, but he that
believes that Jesus is the Son of God?”
Remember that the Bible teaches us that Satan is
the god of this world, so therefore if you are BORN of
God, that is to say, if you are a born again believer in
Jesus Christ, then that makes you an over comer of
Satan, and therefore an over comer of sin as well.
Satan is under YOUR feet if so be you are a BELIEVER
in Jesus Christ. You have been given all AUTHORITY
and power over the enemy in the NAME of Jesus, so
start standing in your authority and begin resisting
the devil called Satan in the mighty NAME of Jesus
you Lord and savior.
The word of God says in James 4:7 to
RESIST the devil and he will flee from you.”
Resist the temptation to sin and the temptation will
flee from you.
This is a written guarantee from Almighty God
who cannot lie.
I want you to consider this next statement very
carefully, because this is what the Holy Spirit spoke
to my heart when I cried out to God to help me over
come this sin in my life that I kept falling back into
over and over. The Holy Spirit asked me the question,
"Have you ever successfully resist even ONE
temptation in you life that you did NOT give into and
sin?" I said back to God, of course I have many times,
but I just cannot over come this one particular sin no
matter how hard I try. Then the Holy Spirit said back
to me, if you have successfully resisted the
temptation to sin, any temptation whatsoever, no
matter how big or how small, even just one time in
your life, even if you gave into this same temptation
at a latter time, then I want you to know that you are
able to resist any and all temptations at all times in
your life.
So then, I am here to ASSURE you that YES it IS
POSSIBLE for YOU to live YOUR life totally free from
ALL sin simply by resisting sin one temptation at a
time. Jesus said don’t take thought for tomorrow for
sufficient is today. In other words don’t worry about
the temptations that may or may not come down the
road, but deal only with the one you are faced with at
the present time. KNOW that all the authority of
Almighty God is BEHIND you ENFORCE what you
command in the name of Jesus. KNOW that God is
FAITHFUL to perform his word, therefore if you
RESIST the temptation to sin, then the temptation
WILL leave you if you hold fast and refuse to give into
The Bible ASSURES us in 1 Corinthians 10:13 that
God will not suffer you to be tempted above that which you are
able,(able to what? Able to resist and overcome) but will with
the temptation make a way of escape, that you are able to bear
So then if you say, like I used to say myself, that the
temptation that you are faced with is too great and
that you just can’t resist it, then you are being
deceived just like I was deceived by this same lie
from the devil before that Holy Spirit assured me that
I could overcome any and all temptations in my life.
In other words, in essence you are calling God a liar,
when you say that you are NOT ABLE to over come
the temptations that come your way. You may have
not realized it before, but your are in doubt and
unbelief, and everything that is not of faith is sin.
Now I know that this is not your intention, but that is,
in fact, what you are doing when you give into the
temptation to sin. You are not submitting yourself
unto God, but rather unto man. The carnal man, our
fleshly nature, that says we are only human and
subject to failure, but God says be ye Holy for I am
Holy. Let God be true and every man a liar.
Look at 1st Peter 4:1,
For as much then as Christ (the ANOINTED one) has suffered
for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the SAME mind
for he that suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin
Think about that for a moment. As long as you are
resisting the temptation to sin, and you are NOT
yielding to temptation, that is to say, you are NOT
giving into the temptation, but rather SUFFERING
through the temptation, then you are NOT sinning.
In other words, while, during, or at the t
ime, you are suffering the temptation you have
ceased from sin. You see, the temptation is NOT sin.
It is when you yield to the temptation that it
becomes sin. Think about that the next time that you
are being tempted. It is a time of suffering, but God
is WITH you to strengthen you, IF so be that the Holy
Spirit of Almighty God DWELLS IN you, so resist the
devil and do not give into sin and the temptation
WILL FLEE from you. You have God's word on it!
Remember that 1st John 3:8 says, that if WE commit
sin, then WE, who are true born again believers are
OF the devil while we are COMMITTING SIN.
Romans 6:16 says it like this,
"Know you not, that to whom you yield yourself to obey, his
servants you are to whom you obey, whether of sin unto death
or of obedience to righteousness?"
It all comes down to a choice. It is that simple! Are
you going to yield yourself to what tempts you, or are
you going to obey the word of God and live your life
free from sin? One definition of yield means to give
up, to surrender, to be overcome. Therefore when you
give into sin, in reality, you are being over come by
the enemy, Satan.
Now it is definitely not God’s WILL for you to be over
come by the Devil.
The word of God says in Romans 8:31,
"If God be for us who can be against us?"
I want you to KNOW my dear brothers and sisters in
the Lord that the Devil cannot succeed against you,IF
you BELIEVE, because Almighty God himself is for
you. It is your choice! Resist the temptation of the
devil! And the temptation WILL flee from you.
Look at Romans 8:9,12 for a moment.
"But you are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, IF so be that the
Spirit of God dwell IN you."
Now skip to verse 12.
(or for this reason)
brethren we are debtors NOT to the flesh to live after the
Notice that this scripture says that we indeed ARE
debtors, but we are NOT debtors to the FLESH. In
other words, we have been set FREE from sin and
now have become SERVANTS or DEBTORS of
Let’s look at this scripture from some other
translations. The Living Bible says it this way,
"So dear brothers you have NO obligation whatever to your
sinful nature to do what it begs you to do."
Are you seeing it yet? It is your choice! You are under
no obligation to sin. The New English Version reads,
"It follows, my friends, that our LOWER nature
(the flesh) has no claim upon us; we are NOT obligated to live
on that level.”
Our flesh is our lower nature, and our spirits, which
are born of God, ought to be ruling and reigning over
our flesh. This is where we are debtors. God is not
going to make your spirit take dominion over your
flesh. This is something YOU yourself are going to
have to do with the HELP of the Holy Spirit. And the
ONLY way that you are going to be able to overcome
sin consistently is through FAITH. Living free from sin
will not be possible for you until you first BELIEVE
that WITH God's HELP, then living free from sin will
be possible. Verse 13 goes on to say,
"For if you
(speaking to true born again believers in Jesus Christ, if YOU)
live after the flesh, you shall DIE, but if YOU
(speaking of YOU yourself)
THROUGH the Spirit do mortify
(crucify or put to death)
the deeds of the body, you shall live."
This is a serious matter that is not to be taken
Romans 6:23 tells us that the wages of sin is DEATH.
We need to wake up to the fact that when we are
being tempted that it is a LIFE and DEATH decision
that we are making. Every time you give into
temptation you are literally slipping back into Satan’s
dominion and you are running the risk of being
forever separated from God and losing the promise of
ETERNAL LIFE. I cannot stress this enough my dear
brothers and sisters in the Lord, if you are living in
sin and you were to die while you are living in sin,
then you will NOT inherit ETERNAL LIFE in the world
to come.
God’s word clearly declares in the book of
Deuteronomy 30:19,
"I have SET before you life and death, blessing and cursing:
therefore CHOOSE life, that you and your seed may live."
Again I say unto you, it is your choice. Choose life.
You can live a sin free life, IF you yourself CHOOSE to
do so.But first you must BELIEVE that it IS possible,
because the JUST, those who have been brought back
into right relationship with God by the blood of Jesus,
Now let’s look at 2nd Peter 1:10, which is my favorite
scripture dealing with living a life free from sin. The
last portion of this verse says,
you do these things you shall NEVER fall."
The word “never” here in the Greek means not at all,
anymore, by no means, in no case, in any wise, at
any time, never. And the word “fall” here in the
Greek means to trip, that is to err, to sin, to fail of
salvation, to offend, stumble, fall. So then, if words
mean anything at all, then this verse of scripture is
literally saying, and I paraphrase,
Friday, September 26, 2014
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