God's Purpose for Mankind
We believe God's purpose for mankind is to
prepare those whom He calls—and who elect
through a life of overcoming sin, developing
righteous character and growing in grace and
knowledge—to possess God's Kingdom and
become kings and priests reigning with Christ
at His return. We believe that the reason for
mankind's existence is literally to be born as
spirit beings into the family of God
( Romans:6:15-16; 8:14-17, 30; Acts:2:39; 2
Peter:3:18; Revelation:3:5; 5:10).
The purpose for man's existence is stated at both
ends of Scripture. At the beginning, God reveals that
He created man in His own image and likeness
( Genesis:1:26-27)—language that refers to offspring
or children (Genesis:5:1-3)—to, in submission to
Him, share dominion or rule with Him over creation
( Genesis:1:28).
And at the end of the Bible God says, "He who
overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his
God and he shall be My son" ( Revelation:21:7).
Again, the wording concerns shared rule with God
over all creation in submission to Him as His children.
Thus we see that man's destiny is to be part of the
Kingdom and family of God. And in the latter verse
here, as throughout the Bible, we are told that man
can only reach this destiny through a process of
It is God's desire that no human beings perish but
that all come to repentance so as to become
members of His family as sons and daughters in His
Kingdom ( 2 Peter:3:9; 2 Corinthians:6:18). As part of
this process, God is now calling some individuals to
inherit eternal life at the return of Jesus Christ to the
earth ( 1 Corinthians:1:26-28; Matthew:20:16;
John:6:44, 65), with others to be called later.
Those being chosen now must accept Christ as their
Savior, surrender their wills to God's will and strive
with God's help to overcome sin during their present
lifetime ( Revelation:3:21).
Jesus Christ is referred to as "the firstborn among
many brethren" ( Romans:8:29; see also verses
14-17; Revelation:1:5-6; Colossians:1:15-18). He
came as a human being to lead the way for others to
be glorified and inherit all things. Christians are
actually referred to as "heirs of God and joint heirs
with Christ" ( Romans:8:17). Yet as Hebrews 1
through 2 explains, mankind has not yet achieved its
destiny of inheriting all things, but Jesus has, and
God is in the process of "bringing many sons to
glory" ( Hebrews:2:10).
In this process, people become God's children
through receiving His Holy Spirit, which joins with
each individual's human spirit ( Romans:8:16). We
are thereby "begotten again, not of corruptible seed,
but of incorruptible" ( 1 Peter:1:23, American
Standard Version).
And we become "partakers of the divine nature" (2
Peter:1:4)—just as any child takes on the genetic
traits of its parents. Through a development process,
we become more and more like God in terms of
character, while we are aimed toward an ultimate
transformation involving our very essence and level
of existence.
The apostle Paul explained that "as we have borne
the image of the man of dust [the first man Adam],
we shall also bear the image of the heavenly Man
[Jesus Christ]" ( 1 Corinthians:15:49). And while the
first man Adam became a living, physical being, "the
last Adam [Christ] became a life-giving spirit" (verse
45). So we will be spirit beings like Christ. Indeed,
"flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of
God" (verse 50).
The apostle John makes an amazing statement about
our future resurrection at Christ's return: "Brethren,
now we are children of God; and it has not yet been
revealed what we shall be, but we know that when
He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see
Him as He is" (1 John:3:2).
And Paul further explains that "we eagerly await . . .
the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables
him to bring everything under his control, will
transform our lowly bodies so they will be like his
glorious body" (Philippians 3:20-21, NIV). That is,
Christ's divine spirit body is the same kind of body
we will have in the resurrection!
Just as human children are the same kind of beings
as their parents and older siblings, human beings, so
will we be the same kind of beings as God the Father
and Jesus Christ— divine beings. By saying that it's
not yet revealed what we shall be, John meant that
we cannot now truly grasp what it means to be like
the Father and Christ, as it's beyond the capacity of
our limited human minds. He nevertheless
understood that we will be what They are.
In fact, God was even more explicit about our destiny
in Psalm:82:6, stating His intention for people as,
"You are gods, and all of you are children of the Most
High." Jesus actually quoted from this verse (see
John:10:30-36). The truth is that our destiny is to
bear the name of the God family (Ephesians:3:14-15)
. Presently, the one God—that is, the one God family
—consists of two divine beings: God the Father and
Jesus Christ. But ultimately, God intends to expand
this divine family into billions.
The Church of God of this age is a forerunner in
fulfilling this purpose. At the time of Christ's return,
those who have died in the faith will be resurrected,
and those who are alive in the faith will be changed.
Those in both groups will become divine, immortal
spirit beings in the family of God. They will then
serve with Christ on the earth as kings and priests
during His millennial, or 1,000-year, rule that will
immediately follow ( Revelation:5:10; 20:4).
King and priest are both offices held by Jesus Christ.
He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords
(Revelation:19:15-16). He is also our High Priest
(Hebrews:3:1; 4:14-16; 5:5-6; 6:20; 7:24-28; 8:1-6;
9:11; 10:12). Thus, others will, as just noted, share in
His responsibilities as both kings and priests serving
under Him to carry out the Father's will.
Those who become priests in the Millennium will be
responsible for teaching people to discern between
"the unclean and the clean," a phrase that in its
broadest sense includes discerning between good
and evil (see Ezekiel:22:26; 44:23-24). As
messengers from God, they will teach the law of God,
making known its meaning and application
( Malachi:2:7-9).
One of the responsibilities of a king in the Old
Testament was to write out the words of God's law
and "read it all the days of his life" so he would
carefully observe it and not turn aside from it
( Deuteronomy:17:18-20). Those made kings and
priests in the Kingdom of God will be those who have
allowed God to write His laws in their hearts and
minds while they are still human beings (see
Hebrews:8:10-11; Jeremiah:31:33).
As kings during the Millennium, they will teach God's
way of life to human beings living in that age
( Isaiah:30:20-21). They will administer God's
government in those areas in which He gives them
responsibilities (see Matthew:19:27-28;
Luke:19:11-19). They will even be given authority
over angels (1 Corinthians:6:1-3). And in all this,
they will be completely subject to Christ's will, just
as He is completely subject to the Father's will
( John:5:30).
God's great plan encompasses all mankind. The
Great White Throne Judgment, described in
Revelation:20:11-13, is the period when all human
beings who have died without ever understanding
that great plan will be resurrected and have their
true destiny revealed to them. God's plan is
comprehensive. All humanity will enjoy the
opportunity to learn His truth and come to
This will take place during the time beyond the
Millennium when the vast majority of human beings
will be raised from the dead to receive their
opportunity for salvation. Those who repent and
accept Christ as their Savior will receive the gift of
everlasting life in the family of God, finally achieving
their God-given destiny.
With a transformed new heaven and new earth, the
heavenly city of God, the New Jerusalem, will at last
come down to the earth with God the Father. And
those who have repented and faithfully served Him,
then transformed into glorified spirit beings like
Himself, will dwell with Him and with Christ forever
in perfect peace and happiness—with no more
suffering or death ( Revelation:21:1-4).
As already mentioned, those who are glorified will
inherit from God "all things"—joint ownership and
rule over not just the earth but the entire universe
and spirit realm. This incredible aspect of man's
destiny was foretold early in the Old Testament by
Moses when he stated that "the sun, the moon, and
the stars, all the host of heaven . . . the Lord your God
has given to all the peoples under the whole heaven
as a heritage" ( Deuteronomy:4:19).
This, then, is the purpose for which humanity was
created—to share God's divine level of existence
forever as His loving, happy family and to possess
with Him and rule over the entire vast created realm.
So transcendent is this destiny that we can barely
even fathom it!
Friday, September 05, 2014
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