By: Norm Rasmussen
Above all, taking the shield of faith with which you
will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked
one. -- Ephesians 6:16
Disciples of Jesus Christ are given a protective
defense shield from God to hinder Satan’s incoming
warheads (scripture refers to them as “fiery darts”).
The Bible calls this protective shield, “Our shield of
faith.” God gives us this weapon … but we must
learn how to use it as affectively as possible to
receive maximized benefit from it.
Some believers may only be yielding a defense shield
equivalent to the size of a penny, though they may
not realize it. More seasoned warriors may have
grown in maturity and wisdom to where they are
completely surrounded by this defense shield …
most of the time. How big one’s faith shield is at any
given moment of time may not be as important as
understanding the importance of having a faith
shield in the first place.
What does Satan do to try to get through this
defense shield? He tries to get us to believe lies to
one degree or another. The more lies the devil can
get a person to believe, the more difficult it is for that
person to perceive truth, even when it’s smack dab in
front of their face. The less one perceives truth, the
less one receives truth. The less one receives truth,
the less one obeys truth, let alone uses truth as an
effective weapon from God against demonic
strategies launched against them.
Ponder for a moment what God is communicating in
this portion of scripture found in 1 Peter 1:3-5 NKJV:
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus
Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has
begotten us again to a living hope through the
resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an
inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that
does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you,
who are kept by the power of God through faith for
salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.
Would you agree from this portion of scripture that
our faith is very, very important? “Ahhh, but faith in
who? Faith in what?” you might ask. These are two
extremely important questions that deserve answers
to. They both are answered with one Word: We are to
have faith in truth.
Truth is fact from God’s perspective … but much
more than just fact. Truth is a person. The Bible
makes this claim: “I am the way, the truth, and
the light.” (John 14:6). Jesus Christ said He is truth.
What is the difference between speaking truth and
being truth. When you ARE truth … the only thing
that comes out of your mouth, or actions, or both, is
Anything that opposes truth is a lie. Anything that
contradicts truth in any way is a lie. Jesus states in
scripture that Satan is the father of lies. Lying isn’t
just one of the evil attributes of Satan: Satan is lying.
As Jesus is truth – Satan is lying. Satan is lying
“Why do you not understand My speech? Because
you are not able to listen to My word. You are of
your father the devil, and the desires of your
father you want to do. He was a murderer from the
beginning, and does not stand in the truth,
because there is no truth in him. When he speaks
a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a
liar and father of it. – John 8:43-44 NKJV
The Holy Spirit also is truth.
“I still have many things to say to you, but you
cannot bear them now. However, when he, the
Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all
truth; for He will not speak on His own authority,
but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will
tell you things to come. He will glorify Me, for He
will take of what is Mine and declare it to you.”
The Holy Bible, God’s written Word, is truth.
“Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.”
-- John 17:17-18
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was
with God, and the Word was God. – John 1:1
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us,
and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only
begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. –
John 1:14
For the law was given through Moses, but grace
and truth came through Jesus Christ. – John 1:17
For there are three who bear witness in heaven:
The Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and
these three are one. – 1 John 5:7
God cannot be anything other than the truth. Mud
cannot be the sky, and the moon cannot be the sun.
A tree cannot be a cow, nor can a computer be a t-
bone steak. Similarly, The Word of God cannot be
anything other than what it truly is: truth.
But be doers of the word, and not hearers only,
deceiving yourselves. – James 1:22
For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a
doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in
a mirror; for he observes himself, goes away, and
immediately forgets what kind of man he was. But
he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and
continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a
doer of the word, this one will be blessed in what
he does. – James 1:23
Satan knowing these scriptures … does everything in
his power to try to keep us convinced that the Word
of God is not truth. Put a nuclear warhead in one
corner of the ring and a firecracker in the other
corner. If Satan can convince you the firecracker is
the most lethal of the two weapons, you are little
threat to him. If he can convince you that neither the
nuclear warhead or the firecracker are weapons
period … you’re absolutely no threat to him, at least
at the moment.
Even more sobering … you have no defense shield
up! Every gate into your palace is open wide and
unguarded. The devil’s forces can walk right in and
have anything they want, and don’t even have to
fight for it. Only by the grace of God will you be
protected from demonic attacks.
Satan’s number one priority is to keep the human
race in spiritual blindness. His primary means of
doing so is to give people reasons not to read or hear
the New Testament Bible, but if they do ... firstly, not
believe it; secondly, not to obey it.
Maybe you haven’t heard it said this way: The New
Testament is God’s “spiritual contract with all of
humanity.” The Old Testament was God’s “spiritual
contract for the Jews” – but not for the Gentiles, or
the rest of humanity. Prior to the death of Jesus
Christ on the cross, non-Jews had no official “written
contract” from God. The Old Testament law was not
given to the Gentiles – it was given solely to the
Jewish people.
Was there anything wrong with non-Jewish people
trying to obey the Old Testament? Not at all. Most
everything God had to say in the Old Testament to
the Jews would have benefited non-Jews greatly, but
if the Jews did so poorly at obeying the Old
Testament book of the law, how in the world would
non-Jews have been able to do any better … without
the help of God? The Jews received all the help from
God that a mere human was capable of receiving
from God, yet disobedience to God was always the
end result for most of the Jewish leaders. Not all
Jewish leaders – most, however.
The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ gave every
person on this planet the legal right to be connected
to God in a way that was far superior to the Old
Testament way of being connected to God. This way
is through faith. Faith in what? Faith in God’s written
“spiritual contract” with the human race to both Jews
and non-Jews, and faith in the Person known as The
Satan hates the written Word of God and the Word
person of God, as do all the fallen angels, and
especially hates those who put their faith in it and
Him. Satan was so threatened by God that he
immediately went about introducing sin into the
world. He knew that if he could entice Eve and Adam
to sin against God, the human race might never be
able to manifest The Word of God in human form.
It appeared that Satan almost succeeded when God
chose to flood the earth and destroy the human race,
admitting to Himself that he was sorry for ever
creating it in the first place. Yet there was faithful
Noah and the few family members that survived the
flood, to keep the human race going.
Many years later, Satan was notified that The Word of
God may be ready to manifest in the form of a
human being, and so he used King Herrod to kill all
the male children (See: Matthew Chapter 2), hoping
baby Jesus the Messiah would then be eliminated.
Jesus survived.
Satan sought to constantly tempt Jesus to sin, but
never could get Jesus to sin. Rage evidently
overruled wisdom, and Satan finally was given the
ability to kill Jesus on the cross … hoping this would
solve his problem. Not only did Jesus survive by
rising from the dead, but it literally became Satan’s
very undoing, because soon after the resurrection of
Jesus Christ in bodily form - once Jesus went back up
into heaven to be with the Father - the Holy Spirit
was poured out on disciples of Jesus Christ, and the
Spirit of Jesus Christ was now spreading out across
all the earth, and continues to do so until this very
Satan has been on the defensive every since, trying
to stop Jesus Christ from having greater influence
across the planet … yet painfully realizing that as
each day passes, his time for execution of judgment
that has already be pronounced … grows shorter and
Satan is a judged foe. All fallen angels are also
judged foes. Full execution of their judgment is set
by the Creator, in His timing.
Satan and his demon helpers want you ignorant of
The Word of God. They will do everything in their
power to keep you from reading or hearing The Word
of God. If they cannot keep you from reading or
hearing The Word of God, they will do everything in
their power to keep you from believing The Word of
God. If they can’t effectively hinder you from
believing The Word of God, they will do everything in
their power to confuse you in what The Word of God
means, so you cannot yield it as a lethal sword
against evil, and apply it as a daily defense shield (as
well as an offensive weapon against evil).
But if they can’t stop you from yielding it as an
effective sword – the sword of the Spirit, (that’s what
God calls it) – then they will do everything they can
to let The Word of God be a sword to stab other
Christian believers with, or as a means to fill one’s
temple with pride.
Satan knows he cannot remove The Word of God off
the face of this planet though it doesn’t stop him
from constantly, persistently trying.
In the meantime, Satan doesn’t care that much if you
read The Word of God. What threatens him greatly is
if you diligently seek to understand it. What
threatens him even more is your eagerness to obey
it. What sends him into absolute rage is if you try to
help others understand and obey it as well! Now you
become a major, major threat to him.
Remember something, however. It is the Spirit of
God who brings alive (gives illumination and
revelation) and releases the power of God as is
needed. Trying to effect The Word of God without The
Spirit of God’s help is futile, and an insult to God the
Father. One is not operating under the influence of
The Spirit of God if they have not purposed to be
serious disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, who died to
pay the penalty for their sins.
There appears to be a growing deceptive teaching in
Christianity that if a person constantly speaks the
Word of God, God is obligated to back up the
intentions of the one doing the speaking. God honors
His Word, make no mistake. But … God doesn’t honor
it if the Holy Spirit discerns that we are trying to use
the Word of God for selfish and/or prideful reasons.
We must always keep this as our continuous tutor
and guide in believing and executing The Word of
But now we have been delivered from the law,
having died to what we were held by, so that we
should serve in the newness of the Spirit and not
in the oldness of the letter. – Romans 7:6
Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of
anything as being from ourselves, but our
sufficiency is from God, who also made us
sufficient as ministers of the new covenant, not of
the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but
the Spirit gives life. – 2 Cor. 3:5-6.
Meaning what? Meaning that if my interpretation of
The Word of God is different than yours … I’m not to
try to beat you over the head with my interpretation
and get all upset if you refuse to believe my
interpretation of a given passage or thought.
God’s Word is Truth. However, God has never
obligated Himself in His Word that He’s going to give
any mere mortal full, 100% revelation (full
understanding, in other words) of His Truth this side
of eternity. He has obligated Himself to lead us into
Truth – just not give any single individual full
revelation of all Truth. Rather, he does that through
the Body of Christ, through many different
individuals. That eliminates the pride issue God has
always had to contend with in fallen man.
God’s Word is both a defensive weapon and an
offensive weapon. Statements of fact made by The
Word Himself, such as: “If you can believe, all things
are possible,” (See: Mark 9:23) and, “With God, all
things are possible.” (See: Mark 10:27; Matt. 19:26)
… make the devil quiver in fear when he finds
disciples of Jesus Christ appropriating either of these
two promises, or both of them. Faith in God and faith
in God’s Word can effect the impossible, (as the Holy
Spirit imparts the necessary direction and faith in
accordance with the Father’s will) and the devil
knows it!
Here is what the devil does not wanting us believing
about God’s Word: Believing God makes all things
possible that God wills to happen in our life, (or in the
life of another) if we persistently continue believing.
Believing God’s Word makes all things possible that
God wills to happen in our life, if we persistently
continue believing, and it is truly the Holy Spirit
behind our persistent believing and not just our
personal desire doing the motivating.
Maybe you've heard this before - maybe not: "Faith
in God makes all things possible -- though not always
easy." Why is it so difficult to believe God for
seemingly "impossible" things? Because Christians
have a great opponent in the fighting ring, constantly
seeking to keep them defeated in their faith. Who is
this opponent? His name is Satan. God clearly states
that mountains standing in our way can be removed
(See: Mark 11:22-24). Satan begs to differ ...
Here is what the devil does want us to believe about
God’s Word: It can’t be trusted; it can’t be
understood; it contradicts itself; it leads one into
emotional and spiritual bondage; it is the biggest
threat to world peace, harmony and economic
prosperity this world has ever known.
Another area Satan relentlessly hammers our
thought life is in the arena of "It must not be God's
will - wouldn't you agree?" If Satan can con us into
believing a given thing in not God's will, when in fact
it may very well be God's will, we'll surrender our
faith to Satan and the fight is over for us. Be
EXTREMELY wise in seeking God's will when you
enter into the fighting ring with Satan. The more
confident you are in knowing God's will in every
situation you're dealing with
... the more equipped you will be in pressing through
until your mountain gets removed by God.
What you and I believe frees God to release his power
and protection and blessing as it is needed to fit our
situation. If there is any question about what God has
to say about a given matter, God’s Word is the first
and final authority. God’s Word supersedes all
circumstances and situations and feelings that
appear contrary to the Word of God.
For instance, if I am being bombarded with lies that
God does not love me, I must go to the Word of God
and remind myself of the promises God has given me
about His unconditional love for me. I will do well not
only to speak them to myself, but out loud
confidently … reminding the lying devils that I refuse
to put up with their lying. This is known as actively
resisting the devil, which God promises will cause the
devil to flee from us, as we persist in letting God’s
Word be the first and final authority on this matter of
God’s unconditional love for me.
Another common attack of the devil is try to convince
us in weak moments that “ God has left you – God has
forsaken you, hasn’t he?” When that happens, we
must go to scriptures like Hebrews 13:5-6 and
Proverbs 3:5-6 and read them, and keep re-reading
them until the Holy Spirit breaks through the barrage
of lies the devil has erected around our mind, and our
confidence in God returns.
Saturate your mind frequently with the Word of God.
Memorize it. Post it around your house and in your
car. Listen to it on the radio and on television. There
is spiritual life in God’s Word, because God makes
certain of it. God makes certain that there is
sufficient power released to accomplish whatever it is
He desires for His Word to accomplish.
Just how much power does God release to back up
His Word? Here is what He had to say about His
words in Matthew 24:35: “Heaven and earth will
pass away, but My words will by no means pass
Putting our faith to the revealed words of Jesus Christ
has the full backing of God the Father and God the
Holy Spirit and the angels that do their bidding.
Putting our faith to The Word of God when accurately
applied to our situation will cause heaven and hell to
step aside if necessary … because God honors His
Word when persistence faith is applied to it and
when it’s not used out of context. The key … is to
accurately apply it to our situation. Applying it out of
context is what the devil delights in us doing,
because that causes us to not be so quick to apply it
again, and it causes skeptics to doubt all the more
that the Bible can be trusted.
The Word of God is a mighty weapon. Make sure that
when you use this weapon, you are pointing it at the
enemy – not looking down the barrel with the safety
off. That’s what the devil wants to always do, saints,
once you know the power of God’s Word. He wants
you to turn your weapon on yourself and turn you
into a causality, instead of allowing you to be a
fearless warrior for Jesus.
He delights when you use it to inflict wounds on
fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, and better yet,
use it to commit slow suicide on yourself. That’s
perfectly great, just as long as you do not use it
effectively as the mighty weapon it is … against him.
To learn about the other weapons of our warfare, click
on the ones below you are interested in knowing
more about:
1) Helmet of salvation
2) Sword of the Spirit
3) Praying always
4) Breastplate of righteousness
5) The Belt of truth
6) Gospel of peace
7) Shield of faith
Sunday, August 31, 2014
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